We're building a vibrant, cohesive and inclusive Jewish community.
What we did.
We listened to 350 people across our community and engaged agency, lay and rabbinic leadership to determine the 5 priorities for the future of Jewish St. Paul.
What we’re doing.
50 community volunteers serve on Research and Recommendation Panels convened by Federation. They are conducting in-depth research to learn the best methods to implement our priorities.
What’s next.
Each panel is recommending strategies to realize our vision for a dynamic, engaged and enduring Jewish community. Federation has assembled an Implementation Committee to review proposals to execute our recommendations.
We are committed to working together with lay and professional leaders from Jewish agencies, institutions and synagogues in ever-increasing collaboration and with a common purpose.
5 Priorities - Click to learn more
Jewish communal life is being transformed locally and nationally by changing demographics, views about Jewish identity and practice, and shifting levels and forms of affiliation. The Greater St. Paul Jewish community undertook a community planning process to understand what this means for our community and how we set strategic priorities informed by reliable data and input from across the community. Our goal is to build, strengthen and sustain our community over the next decades.
To begin, 350 St. Paul Jewish community members participated in 37 facilitated Listening Sessions and discussed what they value in the community and their concerns. A Leadership Team of agency executives, lay leaders and rabbis reviewed the Listening Session data and chose five community priorities, as well as a guiding principle, for the community to address.
Please read the Community Planning Process Findings Executive Summary for a detailed discussion of the Listening Session process, data and analysis.
Steering Committee
Randi Roth, chair
Wendy Baldinger
Jean King
Susan Minsberg
Jon Parritz
Eli Skora
Mary Ann Barrows Wark
Project Managers
Nora Murphy, Panel Facilitator
David Milavetz, Panel Coordinator
Julie Swiler, Communications & Process Management
Leadership Team
Rabbi Morris Allen
Tracy Arnold
Jennifer Bagdade
Rabbi Shlomo Bendet
Barbara Brooks
Rabbi Jeremy Fine
Ted Flaum
Burt Garr
Barry Glaser
Leslie Hahn
Tom Cytron-Hysom
Steve Hunegs
Miriam Itzkowitz
Benjie Kaplan
Jean King
Barbara Lehmann
William Lipschultz
Rhoda Mains
Louis Newman
Jeff Oberman
Betsy Rest
Sally Silk
Steve Shaller
Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker
Jeff Tane
Michael Waldman
Rabbi Asher Zeilingold