Alexander Muss High School in Israel

Jay Phillips Bldg Barry Campus
Minneapolis, MN 55416

P: (952)381-3550
F: (952)381-3555

Alexander Muss High School in Israel's field trips are legendary!  If you're looking to broaden your horizons, all the possibilities are here. You'll see things that stir your emotions and learn things that just may touch your soul. Let AMHSI turn Israel into a living classroom for you. On any given day your classroom could be an airy hilltop overlooking Jerusalem or an inactive volcano dating back to prehistoric times. Teaching takes place on the move so that you can see the very places you're learning about. Our teachers will walk, ride and climb into the places they're teaching you about. That means education is both hands-on and fun!  During this 8-week unique academic adventure you'll make friends that last a lifetime.