Deikel Family AlterCare Program

P: 952-939-1511

This adult day service program is a wonderful environment for people who otherwise might be alone and isolated during the day. Adults with memory and/or physical impairments, dementia and developmental disabilities will enjoy a safe, stimulating and supportive environment at the Deikel Family AlterCare Program. It offers respite for the at-home caregiver during the day. Located on the Ackerberg Community Campus in St. Louis Park.

An ongoing support group for caregivers of individuals with memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer's disease is offered the third Wednesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. in the Boardroom at Sholom Home West. Free respite care is provided at AlterCare with prior arrangements. To register, call 952-939-1511 by Monday the week of the meeting.