To hear a Jewish story is to find new understandings of the Jewish heritage and open a gateway to the Jewish soul. The mission of the Jewish Storytellers' Guild is to promote the performance and appreciation of Jewish storytelling in Minnesota. We are a community that shares a passion for the Jewish oral tradition, experiencing it as a way to nourish our souls, celebrate Judaism and have fun.
Founded in 1994, the MJSG holds monthly meetings where anyone can come to hear Jewish stories, where story listeners can grow into storytellers, and storytellers can grow in proficiency and professionalism. It also offers group performances, helps groups and organizations find appropriate Jewish tellers for their events, offers training in skills and coaching for Jewish storytellers, and provides opportunities for informal story sharing and networking.
MJSG members have performed on radio and television, at our Jewish community centers, for synagogues, churches, cultural arts organizations, conferences, festivals, theaters, libraries, schools, coffee houses and private gatherings.