Twin Cities Jewish Middle School

4330 S. Cedar Lake Rd.
Minneapolis, MN 55416

P: (953)381-3500

The Twin Cities Jewish Middle School (TCJMS) is a joint project of the Talmud Torah of St. Paul and the Minneapolis Jewish Day School. TCJMS is a traditional, egalitarian school emphasizing educational excellence in a fully Jewish setting, with studies, activities and programs that integrate Jewish and general content and values. We are a pluralistic Jewish community grounded in Torah (study), avodah (prayer) and gimilut hasadim (acts of kindness). The school provides a rigorous general and Jewish studies program that inspires students to develop to their fullest potential as inquisitive learners and critical thinkers. Mindful of Jewish values and our responsibilities to Israel, the Jewish people, the United States and world community, we encourage students to apply their knowledge to tasks of tikkun olam (repair of the world). The concept of the Middle School grew through the joint efforts of the administration and board of the two schools, responding to a perceived need in the Twin Cities to continue day school education beyond the sixth grade, and an understanding that combining for this project would enrich the experience of the students. The school opened in August of 1996 with 22 students in the 7th grade. The school added an 8th grade in 1997. TCJMS is an agency of the United Jewish Fund and Council of St. Paul and the Minneapolis Jewish Federation.