Keith Barany’s comedy is often described as original, gentle and brilliant. His lightning fast “ad-libs” amaze audiences. Barany has written for television including Seinfeld, The Emmy Awards, and The Jimmy Kimmel Show. He’s performed in concert with Jon Stewart, Jerry Seinfeld, Joan Rivers, Ray Romano, Joy Behar and Lewis Black. Plus, he’s the only stand-up comedian from a Nobel Prize winning family!
When you RSVP, please choose the Table Host with whom you wish to sit
Table Hosts
Mark Adelman
Stuart Bear and Marsha Schoenkin
Rabbi Shlomo Bendet
Sharon Benmaman
Steve Brand
Deb Frishberg
Barry Glaser
Bruce Goldfarb
Jerry Helfand
Rob Jacobs
Rick Linsk
Charlie Nauen
Linda Nides
Jon Parritz
Linda Perry
Sharyn Effress Pesses
Michelle and Steve Shaller
Ezra Strohm
J. Peter Wolf