
15 2022

RSJ Engagement 101 - Session 3

1:00PM - 2:15PM  

RSJ Engagement 101

Russian-speaking Jews make up about 10% of the total North American Jewish population, but are vastly underrepresented in Jewish communal life.

It's time to bridge the divide.

If you're a Jewish professional or a lay leader ready to begin or deepen your organization's connection with Russian-speaking Jews, you are invited to join JFNA for a three-part series to uncover the why, how, and what of successful RSJ engagement. You'll network and brainstorm with peers, learn from successful models, meet RSJ leaders, and draft your plan. Participants who complete all three sessions will have the opportunity to have one-on-one time with JFNA's Program Director Olga Markus to refine their plans and explore funding opportunities. Whether you're new to the RSJ engagement or want to refine and refresh your approach, this series is for you.



Session Three: Innovation and Iteration


Go from theory to action with your organization's RSJ MVP - minimum viable program - to begin (or continue) the journey, and see how RSJ engagement can be a model for building more welcoming, inclusive, flourishing Jewish communities.