This project in Israel chooses several songs every year that include words by fallen soldiers and the victims of terror acts. These words then are put to music and performed by well-known Israeli artists. The recorded songs are aired during annual broadcasts of the Galei Tzahal station (IDF radio) on Israel’s Remembrance Day to the IDF fallen soldiers.
Held almost every year since 2001, the project has accumulated many lyrics that were written by the fallen (since the founding of the state of Israel) or songs that were written about them. Also, the project includes songs that were written by citizens who were killed in terror attacks. It creates a moving combination of different musical styles and cultures.
More so, during the project the artists meet with the bereaved families and get to know the intimate stories of the fallen. These relationships are published in an article about the project.
Tal Dror, the Jewish Agency Shlicha for the St. Paul Jewish Federation, is dedicating this year’s Yom Hazikaron ceremony to this important project. A total of 36 songs and stories are on display at St. Paul Jewish Federation, Talmud Torah of St. Paul, St. Paul JCC, Beth Jacob Congregation, Mount Zion Temple and Temple of Aaron.